Without doubt this is a crucial juncture in the country’s history as it relates to securing a better future for each of its citizens and for succeeding generations. The moment has been made even more poignant by the deep distress that the sugar industry is in, a fitting warning that a prosperous industry that commands the economy today can disintegrate into nothingness one hundred years on leaving those reliant on it – and indeed the country – bereft. It is a fitting lesson for this country and its already controversy-ridden oil future.
With all that has since been learnt about the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) between ExxonMobil’s subsidiary, EEPGL and the Guyana Government, it has to be said that the APNU+AFC administration has presided over a deal that was lopsided, exuded dereliction of duty and will cost future generations of Guyanese significant wealth. The APNU+AFC government must take full responsibility for this poor deal and seek immediately to bring ExxonMobil back to the negotiating table.
Only a few points need to be made to pin this government to its calamitous agreement.