Words of wisdom from PM Rowley

Words of Wisdom from Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister: Dr. Keith Christopher Rowley.

Prime Minister Rowley using conscientious and explicit words – stated on Wednesday in Georgetown that contracts are not set in stone and must benefit both parties.

Prior to this pronouncement, Prime Minister Rowley coyly said that he did not want to give public advice to his colleagues; then the forthright Prime Minister rendered advice to his colleagues in an unfettered lecture on extant circumstances and linkages to contract renegotiation.

Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Carl Greenidge who was present at the press conference, and is a staunch and frequent defender of the atrocious 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), between the Government of Guyana and partners: Exxon, Hess & Nexen; was photographed at the press conference looking aghast, adrift and wanting to be anywhere else; not surprisingly.

Why the kowtowing by our political leaders, regarding the heinous 2016 PSA? A key point made by the Honourable Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago is that contracts are supposed to be drafted in a manner that take into account the fact that markets will change over time.

It is worth noting that when the Petroleum Agreement was signed, Guyana had over 1 billion barrels of recoverable light, sweet, crude oil.

Oh Providence, where have our political leaders slinked away to… President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo; we implore you to show solidarity and dismantle this 2016 Production Sharing Agreement – that does not share with Guyana, beyond relative morsels; we must renegotiate this cockroach contract.

Nigel Hinds

September 21st, 2018