Don’t approve Liza Phase Two Permit until all issues are resolved–Dr. Jan Mangal

Oil and Gas Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal, is of the firm view that the Environmental Permit for the Liza Phase Two project should not be approved until a long list of issues has been resolved.
These include the need for all oil companies to have internationally recognized insurance policies and for the industry to be governed by a robust legislative and regulatory framework.
He made this remark, among others, during an exclusive interview with Kaieteur News recently.
The former Presidential Advisor said, “We need new legislation which is all aligned. But this cannot happen without teams of oil professionals which we do not have. And these teams cannot include the ‘experts’ popping up who have zero years experience with the major oil companies.”
He added, “We have people who went off to do a Masters, have never worked for a major oil company, but are prancing around Guyana as oil experts and consultants.
“We cannot do anything without the right people, and we do not have the right people now.”
Dr. Mangal commented that the only way Guyana has a chance to do a modicum of justice to its own interests, is by slowing the pace of ExxonMobil so as to give the country a chance to catch-up.
He emphasized that the players in government are obviously desperate to give the impression that they are in control and that Guyana is being well served. But this is not the case, the Oil Consultant said.

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