Oil companies should explain US$ billion-dollar anomaly between Liza Phase 1 and 2 before gov’t approves Payara project

The oil companies appear to be pressuring the government to approve the Payara project. Before we proceed with any more approvals, we should clarify mathematical anomalies between Liza Phase 1 and Liza Phase 2 that may save us billions of US dollars; verify the pre-contract costs; hire qualified people and create the institutions/regulations so we…

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Poll: 82% support for renegotiation of all contracts with all oil companies

In a nationwide public opinion tracking poll conducted in late October by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association, the nation almost unanimously rejects the low royalty rate (of between zero and two percent), sweeties or handouts given to oil companies, and profit sharing agreement of the government with multinational Exxon/Mobile and other oil companies. People…

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Whose oil is it?

Where in the Stabroek petroleum agreement is it stated that the oil companies receive 98% of revenues per month?On Thursday November 7th, 2019, the press reported that the Exxon will take the first three liftings of oil. The press indicated each lifting is one million barrels. Assuming oil price per barrel of US$60, the total…

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