Minister Trotman was fully aware he needed to hire oil and gas experts, Guyana has lost massive amounts via disastrous negotiations

The Honourable Minister Trotman, in the Guyana Standard online publication on the 28th May 2019, said “… at no point during his tenure did he (Jan Mangal) ever request that capacity be developed or that the relevant expertise be hired to ensure independent reviews of data on the Stabroek Block which would be submitted by…

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Renegotiate contract

The Case for Renegotiation

Introduction This is the case for renegotiation of the Petroleum Agreements between the Government of Guyana and ExxonMobil (“Guyana-Exxon agreements”). In my article dated 8 December 2017[1], I wrote extensively on the nature and types of stability clauses and their pros and cons. Most notably, what the Model Petroleum Contract describes as a Stability Clause…

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Guyanese must get maximum from oil blocks even if it means renegotiating, rescinding -Jan Mangal tells Houston conference

Renegotiate, rescind, reimburse, then auction off so that Guyana reaps the maximum value from its oil blocks, is the advice that petroleum expert Dr Jan Mangal drilled into those who attended his presentation at the Guyana Petro-leum Summit in Houston, Texas on Thursday. He also warned that if the contentious Exxon-Mobil deal is preserved as…

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Seventeen reasons why the ExxonMobil contract should be renegotiated

In my opinion this contract should be considered null and void for the following interim reasons:1)This contract was not made in good faith, good intention, is biased and is not consistent with minimum international contracting requirements, practice, guidelines, procedures and laws.2)This contract is a production sharing contract/royalty (PSA), where Guyana is technically a partner, a…

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Energy Dept. unfit to represent Guyana if it can’t stand up to Exxon, others – Dr. Mangal

Until the Department of Energy (DoE) is prepared to challenge huge companies like ExxonMobil and French Oil Major, Total, then it cannot be trusted to look out for Guyana’s interests. This is according to Oil and Gas Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal.During an exclusive interview with this newspaper yesterday, Dr. Mangal commented that the DoE does…

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