Guyana is responsible for paying the interest on the oil companies’ loans. This fact is buried in the Production Sharing Agreements (PSA). (Stabroek Block PSA, Annex C Section 3.1 part (l)). The interest rate to be paid is loosely noted as “market rate”. This flaw may cost Guyana billions of US dollars.  It takes just…

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Chris Ram's Articles

The truth about the Royalty in the Esso/Hess/CNOOC-Nexen Petroleum Agreement

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 76 – September 6, 2019 Introduction For some time, questions have been raised about the royalty provisions in the 2016 Agreement under which Trotman/Greenidge/Granger partially signed away the birthright of all Guyanese past, present and future. This short column seeks to identify both…

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Chapter #7 – Exxon Contract: A major oversight or wilful blindness? – The procurement act 2003

In our last article, we dealt with the miscalculation of the licence area in the contract with Exxon. Prior to that we discussed some history which suggests that the claim that Venezuelan belligerence was the justification for the resort to illegality in the invention of wholesaling of license blocks when no such concept was available,…

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Chris Ram's Articles

ExxonMobil’s Road Show

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 75 – August 30, 2019 Introduction Two weeks ago in Toronto Canada, the organisation Caribbean Council of the Americas (CCA) in a public advertisement invited the Guyanese community and “other interested parties in the greater Toronto area to learn about all and gas…

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Our leaders embrace 2% garbage royalty that sinks Guyana’s prospects for vibrant economic development.

The passage of time has seen our oil discoveries exceed six billion barrels. Our commentators, with great zest and zeal, protested the unconscionable contract’s plunder and robbery of our oil resources by ExxonMobil and their minions, with a 2% contract that has now withered down to appeals for Local Content, Ring Fencing, Tax Stabilisation Removals,…

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Is Guyana headed to a future where citizens cannot protest freely and the press is stifled?

The city parking meters galvanised the people of Georgetown. Irrespective of race or political party, they came out to protest against the implementation of the meters. The major newspapers in Guyana covered the protests, giving nationwide visibility to the issue. The pressure was sufficient to get the meters removed. The debacle turned the passion in…

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