Frontera’s US$33M signing bonus for portion of unproven oil exploration blocks exposes Exxon’s pittance payment -Jan Mangal

Canadian oil company Frontera’s recent payment of a US$33 million signing bonus for a 33% working interest in two blocks offshore Guyana without any confirmed commercial quantities of oil, should signal to government how much it lost when it renegotiated its Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil’s subsidiary in 2016 and got a mere US$18…

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My work is to highlight grand theft of the people’s wealth, main opposition poses biggest threat to oil future

Due to my continued work highlighting grand thefts and forfeitures of billions of US dollars by our politicians past and present, of the oil wealth which belongs to the people of Guyana and which does not belong to the politicians and companies, there have been and will continue to be attempts to discredit my message…

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