The World Bank is undercutting its own carbon reduction commitments and putting entire Caribbean ecosystems at risk by directing US$55 million to support fossil fuel extraction off the coast of Guyana, campaigners at Sassenberg, Germany-based Urgewald charged yesterday, after a Guyanese high court cleared the way for colossal fossils ExxonMobil, Hess, and CNOOC to continue…

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Guyana stands to lose as much as US$108B from bad Exxon Deal – Chartered Accountant

Global Witness may say that Guyana could lose US$55B from the controversial Stabroek Block agreement between Government, ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC. But Chartered Accountant Nigel Hinds is of the view that the anti-corruption watchdog and its partner, Open Oil, were being modest. Hinds says that Guyana stands to lose as much as US$108B.In an interview…

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Vote for leaders who will demand renegotiation of the oil contracts

Global Witness has revealed that Guyana stands to lose at least US$55 billion from the current 7.9 billion barrels in the Stabroek Block. The major political parties have not indicated that they will renegotiate the atrocious Stabroek oil contract. But the Guyanese people have other choices. Leaders of both the Change Guyana party and the…

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Guyanese Court Fails to Hold Oil Companies to their Environmental Commitments

Yesterday, a Guyanese court issued a ruling in a judicial review action brought against the government and three companies — Esso (Exxon), Hess, and CNOOC Nexen — for failing to comply with the Environmental Protection Act.  “Ironically, this ruling comes just as a new study shows the Deepwater Horizon disaster ten years ago had much farther-reaching (and still…

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