President Granger and his key aides must take blame for exploitative Exxon agreement

It is ridiculous to believe that “Trotman’s hurried negotiation would place him solely at fault for failure to capitalise on Guyana’s strong bargaining position” as Kaieteur News asserted in their article dated February 9, 2020 and captioned “Announcement of Liza-2 find, one day after contract signing, shows ExxonMobil’s dishonesty – Chris Ram”. The repeated overkilling…

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When OpenOil and Global Witness take into account the ‘critical’ Paris Agreement they drop their estimate of Guyana’s revenue down to $40 billion over 20 years

The full Global Witness report has now been published. Does anybody still take seriously the estimate of US$168 billion to Guyana from oil production? Or the extra US$55 billion that Exxon is supposed to give up because Global Witness say Exxon can afford it – ignoring the real world where Exxon answers to its shareholders not…

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It remains the case that this is a rotten deal with Exxon that must be changed

Guyanese are trapped in an unprecedented and appalling Petroleum Agreement with Exxon (Exxon, Hess and Nexen). It is arranged and recorded in exploitative and egregious language. What has been forced on this nation by APNU+AFC is inexcusable, unjustifiable and indefensible; and we are further insulted by calling the sellout “an Agreement”, one that needs unlimited…

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