The Gov’t must define what constitutes a conflict of interest in this specific instance

conflict of interest

The Laws of Guyana establishing the Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) could not be clearer. Article 8 (1): Any member of the Board who has any interest, directly or indirectly, in any matter before the Board –Shall disclose the nature of his interest to the Board; and

Shall not take part in any deliberation or decisions of the Board with respect to that matter.

 (2) A disclosure under this section shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board.

 In letters to the newspapers over the last week, advocates like Simone Mangal-Joly and Danuta Radzik have argued very clearly that there is a definite conflict of interest with regard to the composition of the EAB that must be resolved, in light of the hearing scheduled for Wednesday March 22nd on the matter of the application by Guyana Power and Light for an environmental permit to construct a 300 megawatt power plant at Wales.

 Instead of shooting the messenger, we simply ask the Government to define for the people of Guyana what constitutes a conflict of interest in this specific instance and in relation to the law. This is not a partisan issue. All Guyanese deserve an answer. 


The Breadfruit Collective

Red Thread

Alfred Bhulai

Andre Brandli

Janette Bulkan

Frederick Collins

Elizabeth Deane-Hughes

Karen De Souza

Jocelyn Dow

Hollis France

Darshanand Khusial

Vidyaratha Kissoon

Colin Klautky

Joy Marcus

Pauline Melville

Denise Murray

Joe Persaud

Mike Persaud

Danuta Radzik

Vanda Radzik

Brian Shuffler

Charles Sugrim

Alissa Trotz

Maya Trotz

Josephine Whitehead

Charlene Wilkinson

Policy Forum Guyana