ExxonMobil argues that shareholders should reject resolution

ExxonMobil argues that shareholders should reject resolution #10 because it contains dubious claims

Dear Editor, ExxonMobil will have its annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday May 31st, 2023. During this meeting, shareholders will vote on a number of resolutions raised. These resolutions were outlined in its 2023 Proxy statement, a copy can be found here: https://investor.exxonmobil.com/company-information/annual-reports-proxy. Shareholder resolution #10 is concerned with Guyana and seeks additional reporting on worst-case spill…

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urge ExxonMobil shareholders to vote in favour of resolution

We urge ExxonMobil shareholders to vote in favour of resolution #14 on environment-related litigation

Dear Editor, In a shareholder document released on April 13th, 2023 ExxonMobil makes this claim, “ExxonMobil’s affiliate [EEPGL] works cooperatively with the Guyana Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure environmental permitting relating to exploration, development, and production activity fully complies with Guyana law.” It states, “…activist litigation to halt oil and gas production has failed…

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Insurance vs assurance

Insurance Is Not Assurance

Dear Editor,               In recent letters to the press, Robin Singh, a person who is yet to apologise for publicly labelling me and some members of civil society treasonous, is peddling more illogic. He seems to have now awakened to the concept of ‘unlimited’, as in parent company guarantee (PCG). It was already there to be…

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Recall Dorm Construction Bids

Recall all dorms construction bids and revise to exclude inflammable materials

Dear Editor,Your editorial of 24 May (Mahdia tragedy, https://www.stabroeknews.com/2023/05/24/opinion/editorial/mahdia-tragedy/) on the horrific deaths of 19 children in a dormitory fire on Sunday night (and other children who are seriously burnt, all the children scarred for life) reminded us of the government’s serial failures to learn from the earlier deaths of three schoolgirls in Waramadong Secondary School…

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Expired Unsigned Documents

Expired, unsigned insurance document submitted by EPA refers to Egypt and not Guyana

By Alissa Trotz, (Referenced Insurance Doc inside here: https://www.oggn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/EPA-Supplemental-Affidavit-23-Jan-2023.pdf) On Monday May 29th, Esso and the EPA get another chance to argue for a stay of Justice Kissoon’s ruling that Esso was in breach of the permit requirements for insurance. Exxon’s own modelling shows that an oil spill will not be confined to Guyana, but…

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APNU’s legal games are not about law, it is about lawlessness

Vice President has distorted judge’s decision on the parent company guarantee

Vice President Jagdeo has for sure secured his spot in the annals of iconic harbingers of falsehoods; but his reaction to Honourable Judge Kissoon’s well-thought-out decision, takes the cake, when he distorts the decision and attempts to intimidate and create a chilling effect on the judiciary. The VP perversely attacks the decision with his vengeful…

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Judge Kissoon Decision Must be carried out

It is the duty of all of us to ensure that Judge Kissoon’s decision is carried out

Last week, reporting on the ruling of Justice Sandil Kissoon, who heard the case brought against EEPGL and the EPA by Frederick Collins and Godfrey Whyte, Stabroek News said, “ExxonMobil’s local affiliate, EEPGL, has agreed in the permit to provide insurance and an unlimited parent company indemnity to cover all environmental loss and damage that…

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Appealing Judge Kissoon's ruling

Appealing the ruling of Judge Kissoon is tantamount to surrendering to ExxonMobil

Former EPA chief Dr. Vincent Adams has said many times that Full Liability Coverage (FLC) as enshrined in the permits, equals insurance plus a parent company guarantee to cover “any” costs above insurance. In mathematical parlance: Full Liability Coverage = Insurance + Parent Company Guarantee for all remaining costs. Parent Company Guarantee is simply a…

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