Guyana to Compensate 20B for Oil Spill

Guyana would be left to foot costs of over US$20B yearly compensating Caribbean islands for an oil spill – Environmental  activist, Janette Bulkhan

Kaieteur News – Pre-pandemic statistics available for 10 Caribbean islands that can be affected by a devastating spill in the Stabroek Block shows that Guyana would have to foot costs of over US$20 Billion a year for affecting the beaches these countries rely largely on for tourism. This point was shared by activist, Janette Bulkhan in…

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Compensatory Claims to Bankrupt Guyana

Compensatory claims by our Caribbean island friends for oiled beaches would bankrupt Guyana

Our angelic lawyers and appellate judges are debating in medieval terms whether ‘assurance’ or ‘insurance’ or ‘full liability coverage’ or ‘complete indemnity’ can all sit on the head of a pin.  Meanwhile, let us consider why we need such security instruments.  Since the PEMEX oil spill at the Ixtoc-I well in the Gulf of Campeche…

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