Why construct a waste treatment plant in close proximity to a populated centre?

Two main roads EBD and ECD. Villages formed alongside these roads. The location of this Waste Treatment Plant is at Coverden – a village alongside EBD. Couldn’t this plant have been sited a few miles inland, away from one of these villages? Penelope Howell wrote this: “While standing in front of PWSI, I felt a strange burning sensation on my extremities (ears, nose, mouth and hands), and after about 1.5 hours left, and was advised to seek medical attention immediately”.

Joel Bhagwandin who is a major spokesman for policy in the GoG, in a letter published in SN (Sept 4th) said he has closed all further communications with the environmental activists. What does this say about the government’s policy? Is this really a caring government which refuses to address very serious environmental issues?

Howell’s testimony: (to paraphrase) ‘This plant is spewing dangerous, toxic materials into the atmosphere’. People exposed to these toxic fumes over a long period of time (that is people who live near to this plant) will get sick. This is the height of irresponsibility of the government. Callous behaviour of the government. The word callous is apt. It means “hardened state of mind”. This government possesses a “hardened state of mind” on environmental matters.


Mike Persaud

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