There seems to be no end to the deviousness of Bharrat Jagdeo, a man who disgracefully delights in living in his world riddled with sleaze, sinking so low as to be engaging in maliciously defiling the credentials of those who are much intellectually grander than him, and who take him to task for his gross ineptitude and lies. In his habitual odious busing out of all and sundry who dare to ask questions or have a differing view to his, Jagdeo literally went lower than low into the sewer, questioning my seniority at the US Department of the Energy (USDOE) in his last Thursday’s so-called press conference which is now a festival of falsehoods.
When asked a plain question that he couldn’t answer, the VP resorted to his deflection trick, maliciously denigrating my seniority at the USDOE, saying that I only managed a small sewerage project and was not at a senior level, as he sheepishly admitted twice that he “don’t know if it’s true”. The fact is that the USDOE has never managed any sewerage project, and he knew he was lying when he said he “don’t know if it’s true”; but lest we forget that he attempted the same stunt on former Minister Winston Jordan, only for us to find out that the mischief making fella was so inept, that Mr. Jordon had to write his papers for him, yet he dishonestly took full credit for it.
In order to set the record straight, I present herein, a snapshot of my tenure this one time, though it goes against by humble nature from growing up in Christianburg and Albouystown – two of the poorest communities in Guyana, but forced to do so, not so much as a response to a man as far gone as Jagdeo, but to expose him for the deceiver and trickster that he is now so proud to be.
The irrefutable fact is that because of the grounding received from the people of Guyana, I worked hard and earned ascendency to the highest level of the US Government as a member of Senior Executive Service (SES) Corps in the USDOE where I served for my final 10 years before retiring with the prestigious “Distinguished Service Award” defined as “an honor or decoration given to individuals who have distinguished themselves through exceptional service to the nation”. The SES Corps is officially denoted as “The highest-ranking Executives equivalent to the Military Generals, who serve in key positions just below the top Presidential Appointees and who run the day-to-day operations of the US Civilian Government” The Corps comprises the top 8,000 or 0.3% of the more than 3 million Government workforce and are on the same salary scale as the Presidential Appointees. My SES certification and official military equivalency are shown below.

As imagined, just like the Army Generals, it is no ordinary feat to attain the level of an SES with this very rare opportunity coming in intervals of up to 10 years and as in my case, where only 20 out of 4,000+ applicants were selected, followed by a rigorous 2-year training in running the government before being certified and sworn in. Addedly, we, along with top Executives of major companies including Exxon, were required to complete special training comprising two weeks every six months for two years at the prestigious MIT Sloan Business School, focusing on how to keep the USA competitive following the 2008 world economic crisis. MIT is NO Moscow!
I served in several key positions involving paramount national consequences including Manager, Deputy Manager and Director, entrusted with the highest national security clearance to include: (i) Leading tens of thousands of workers, and billions of dollars in budgets far exceeding Guyana’s national budget, in executing the world’s largest environmental projects to decommission, dismantle, decontaminate and dispose of the nation’s old massive nuclear weapons complexes, while simultaneously developing new nuclear technologies; (ii) Worked directly with Governors, Federal and State Legislators, Senators and Congressmen/Women, and Mayors, making key Government decisions including developing inputs to the national budgets; (iii) Co-managed the $6 Billion Environmental Program under the 2009 American Recovery Act (iii) Led our world-renowned national laboratories and Universities in Technology Development; and (iv) Member of the Peer Review Board which evaluated and ranked the performances of SES Members.
Moreover, (i) Led US delegations at international conferences and Committees such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, developing international standards, policies and processes, and training for member countries in Project Management, and chaired two major international conferences in Germany and Kazakhstan; (ii) Led transformation of Region 4 (Southern US) EPA and the USDOE Legacy Management Department into acquiring Congressionally approved High Performing Organizations (HPO) status, without which, their activities would have been outsourced; (iii) Developed and managed the USDOE STEM program at 10 Universities as the pipeline for engineering & science talent to the workforce; and (iv) Chairman of the US Chapter of the pre-eminent International Association of Environmental Professionals.
Before Joining the USDOE for an illustrious 30-year career, I served for six years with the American Oil Company (AMOCO), now British Petroleum, as Senior Reservoir & Production Engineer with the notable accomplishment of leading pioneering work in enhanced oil recovery technology now being applied worldwide. Headlined by one international writer as “A Guyanese Engineering Giant”, I own a PhD, 2 MSs and a BS in Environmental, Petroleum, Geological and Civil Engineering, respectively, plus a Diploma in Leadership and Management from MIT Sloan; thus, giving me the unique distinction of having high competencies in governance, and managerial and technical leadership in oil & gas and the environment.
The obvious conclusion is that Bharat Jagdeo is arrogantly disrespectful of a great governance institution that has made the US the greatest country in the world, and he would never qualify for such an honorable stature demanding democratic rule of law governance, incorruptibility, and competence, in contrast to his authoritarian grooming in Moscow that is suffocating Guyana.
This country would be better served if Jagdeo’s priorities included maintaining a minimum level of honesty and integrity, and educating himself about the complexities of oil, instead of bluffing his way and attacking the knowledgeable to fool his flatterers that he belongs. This man is now so pathologically driven that he has lost the last vestiges of self-respect. Truth and facts are invaluable companions in this life. Jagdeo should try them sometime. He would be a better man for it.
Dr. Vincent Adams