Hold approvals for Liza Phase-2 until Phase-1 costs verified – Mangal

Government should put all approvals for ExxonMobil’s Liza Phase-2 on hold until a complete review of the Liza Phase-1 project cost is done, former Government Adviser on Petroleum Dr Jan Mangal says.

“I believe a real and substantive review still needs to be performed of the Liza Phase-1 project cost before approval of the production licence for the next project, i.e. before approval of the Liza Phase-2 project,” Mangal on Tuesday stated in a letter to this newspaper.

“Even though the Liza Phase-1 project has been approved, the Government should withhold approval of the Liza Phase-2 project until they fix these issues,” he added.

See more here: https://www.stabroeknews.com/2018/news/guyana/09/13/hold-approvals-for-liza-phase-2-until-phase-1-costs-verified-mangal/