Advertisements on Canje oil block misleading –Dr. Mangal

Following several newspaper articles on the State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA)’s probe into the award of oil blocks, Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Inc. and JHI Associates, two industry unknowns, have been publishing almost daily, advertisements to defend the exploration licence which they were handed by former President Donald Ramotar for the Canje Block.

While they got the licence on March 4, 2015, a mere two months before General and Regional Elections were held, the ad states that negotiations on the matter were in train since 2013. It also states that all laws were followed, that the companies’ founders have decades of experience in oil exploration offshore Guyana, and that they met the government’s requirements for technical expertise and financial capabilities.
Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, Oil and Gas Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal alluded that the ad is misleading to the Guyanese public as it fails to address the biggest issue at hand, which is, Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Inc. and JHI Associates have no experience in deep water exploration, but were still given the Canje Block licence.
The former Presidential Advisor said that there are worldwide cases bearing a resemblance to the foregoing matter. He said that the one characteristic they usually have in common is the element of corruption.
Dr. Mangal said, “It is highly suspicious and likely illegal for government officials to award oil blocks to companies with no capacity to explore and develop the oil.”