Exxon on voters’ minds

I have been traveling around the country conducting a tracking poll on election-related matters, including on peoples’ trust in GECOM and its Chair, as well as on political figures. I also have been querying voters on popular media personalities and readership of newspapers and columns as well as their interest in news reports and commentaries. I employed interviewers.
People are very concerned about the contract signed with, and the oil finds of Exxon. They are following the news reports on Exxon. They are not seeing much benefits from the finds. The ‘Dem Boys Seh’ column is the most popular and most read among all columns of all newspapers. People like to read columns poking fun of (ridiculing) public figures, political issues, politicians, crooked police, energy matters, Exxon, and other matters in the public domain or impacting their lives.
Reports related to Exxon and oil are closely followed by readers. People want to know how they (the country) are being cheated and exploited by the oil companies.

The popularity of ‘Dem Boys Seh’ is followed by the Freddie Kissoon column and Peeping Tom. People also look forward to columns of several other writers. They also have their favourite letter writers.
Among public figures, First Lady Sandra Granger is polling very high likability ratings and the most popular personality on the government side followed by the President. On the opposition side, the poll finds Bharrat Jagdeo is a rock star. The PPP’s presidential candidate Irfaan Ali has also been gaining appeal.
Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram