Gov’t defending oil contract in court is bad PR for 2025

Finally, in all of Guyana, one man – Glenn Lall, owner of Kaieteur News – has found the gumption, and moral courage to stand in the middle of the road and tell the Government and oil companies that he will not sit idly by and allow the looting of Guyana to continue. Glenn speaks for all Guyana, especially the working, struggling poor and dispossessed masses ‘ketching’ hell, who live hand-to-mouth and paycheck-to-paycheck, while foreigners in oil are dancing all the way to the bank. At great personal cost, Glenn has filed a legal challenge to the oil companies, their oil friends, and foreign employees not paying taxes and a host of other unfair practices. There was enough talking and educating, now we are into doing something about it. Glenn has chosen to bell the cat. The PNC gave away the store. The PPP said that’s it’s OK and vowed not to renegotiate the treasonous oil contracts. At election time, both parties promised the Exxon head that they will not renegotiate the contract. Never mind that the PPP was using the Global Witness report profusely during the campaign to say Guyana would lose US$ 55 billion under the deal signed by the bad PNC. The PPP had said during the campaign they will review and renegotiate the contract. That’s a “promise made, promise not kept.” They were secretly telling Exxon one thing, and telling the voters something else. This lawsuit now puts the PPP Government in a bad spot. Imagine if the AG, (a likely future presidential candidate) would have to argue that the contract is good, and the Government is on the same side with the oil companies, arguing against the young Attorney, Mr. Ali, representing the people of Guyana.

Nation, if the oil companies are getting about US$720 million in tax breaks annually, that’s more than the money we got from oil after two years. That is more than the US$ 607 million we have now in the Natural Resource Fund that is about to be raided. People of Guyana – both PPP and PNC supporters – are you outraged yet by how Guyana is being robbed, and both our Government and Opposition are on the side of the oil companies against the people of Guyana? Wake up and let’s join together to stop the fleecing of Guyana’s resources. How long are we going to be a “rich country of poor people,” as the Government describes us? There is no sanctity of contract here. That was not a “contract.” That was a “deed of gift” of oil and gas from the PNC, and endorsed by the PPP. This is simply wickedness and sin against a poor nation where poor people are being given an “increase” in pay to $60,000 a month (that can barely pay the rent) by the Private Sector, while some foreign workers get “tax free” super salaries. Unions, are you outraged yet? Why are you silent and you are collecting union dues from your workers? Private Sector, are you not outraged that your folks are not getting these tax breaks too?

When the workers’ unions are silent, when the lawyers are silent, when the preachers who tell you “give me your offerings now and God will bless you later in heaven” are silent, when the Private Sector folks are “sooru and dooru” with the Government, Glenn Lall and one courageous young lawyer, Mohamed R. Ali (an emerging new hero), are standing up for an entire nation. People, where do you stand in this matter? Do you stand with the sellout leaders, or do you stand for Guyana, and the future of yourselves, your children and grandchildren? Please think about it. The Oil Renegotiation movement needs you at such a time as this. This legal challenge can be a “tipping point” for all of Guyana. Please support any activity that will be planned to let the oil companies and our Government and Opposition know, that we the people want the good life now, because we are the richest country in CARICOM but we have the lowest standard of living and the lowest currency. Guyana must renegotiate all natural resources contracts now because we want better pay, good roads and flood control infrastructure all over Guyana, comprehensive health care for all, universal housing for all, social security benefits for all, 21st century education in decent school facilities, etc. It’s “our country, our wealth.” Wake up Guyana! Take a stand!

Dr. Jerry Jailall