Concerns: PWSI Waste Treatment Plant – Coverden East Bank Demerara

Concerns: PWSI Waste Treatment Plant – Coverden East Bank Demerara

Yesterday, we were traumatized to be informed by Mr. Joel Bhagwandin that the PWSI Waste Treatment Plant started its operation at Coverden some five (5) months ago, which will mean that processing of petroleum waste started either April of May 2024; oblivious to Coverden and the surrounding districts.

I spontaneously staged a one person protest in front of PWSI Coverden, while there, I noticed smoke emitting freely into the atmosphere from the plant, along what Mr.  Bhagwandin described as “vapor”.

I observed that the treatment plant:

  1. was not enclosed.
  2. employed very laxed security measures, anyone could scale the fence and gates with ease.
  3. little use of visible personal protective equipment and clothing by workers.
  4. has no chimneys extending way up into the air, for the smoke to dissipate. 
  5. has no visible specific or specialized sewage and plumbing treatment facilities.
  6. vehicles and workers entered and left the premises without any specialized sterilization.
  7. the close proximity of this plant to water and land transportation.

While standing in front of PWSI, I started feeling a strange burning sensation on my extremities (ears, nose, mouth and hands), and after about 1.5 hours left, and was advised to seek medical attention immediately, by family members, which I did. I was told by the medical team, that I may have developed an allergic reaction as a result of exposure to one or all of the following:

  1. the smoke
  2. the “vapor”
  3. or the combustion chemicals or materials at the PWSI site.

 I am currently undergoing further tests and treatments.

Please clarify the following:

  1. exactly when did the PWSI Project start?
  2. is it legal to transfer the GOES contract to PWSI?
  3. what sort of expertise and training dos the PWSI team have for such am undertaking?
  4. were independent impact assessments (environmental/social/etc.) done prior to the commencement of this project?
  5. why weren’t the residents of Coverden informed of each step, prior to PWSI commencement?
  6. what sort of rudimentary checks and balances are in place to ensure that PWSI comply with international best practices?
  7. what sort of public liability insurance coverage does PWSI have?
  8. what sort of public warning systems are in place in case of an accident/ disaster?

I eagerly look forward to your speedy response.


Penelope Howell

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