News Editor

Gas to Energy submission to EPA

Dear EPA,                 My submission on the EIA for the EEPGL Gas to Energy project is prompted by project manager Mr Friedrich Crispin’s justification of it as an alternative source of energy during the presentation of the EIA at the Leonora Technical Institute on Friday May 13, 2022, and on S4(1) of the Environmental Protection Act…

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Governing instruments of Guyana vis a vis EIA/EIS for GTE pipeline project  & Uaru Project

Elizabeth Deane-Hughes 26 May 2022 Mr. Alistair Routledge, President, ExxonMobil Guyana, 99 New Market Street, Georgetown. Dear Mr. Routledge, RE: Governing instruments of Guyana vis a vis EIA/EIS for GTE pipeline project & Uaru Project Happy 56th Independence Day Greetings! Trust this finds you and your circle well. I have been attending some of the complimentary…

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Moray House Trust: The Oil Contract – a review

0.00 Intro by Moderator8:50 DR VINCENT ADAMS (comparing 1999 and 2016 agreements)[14:47 Dr Adams: Liability and insurance][21:08 Dr Adams: Absence of data][24:25 Dr Adams: Absence of specifics in the contract]27:44 FREDERICK COLLINS [TIGI][32:15 Fred Collins: Critical contract issues][36:49 Fred Collins: Annex A and Annex B][38:54 Fred Collins: Area Limits for a Single Licence]40:11 DARSH KHUSIAL [OGGN] How Much is Guyana losing on Stabroek Block…

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A “Noise and Nonsense” Brigadier responds to Dr. C.Y. Thomas – Part 1

Dr. C.Y Thomas, in his column of Sunday 17th April last ( and the wider world/critiques-2-3-exxonmobil in the courts of law and public-opinion/) under the guise of a critique of ExxonMobil, continued his ridicule of those of us calling for guaranteed compensation in the form of insurance against any damage to the environment of Guyana and that…

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Missing revenue from contractor’s oil profits raises serious questions

Dear Editor, Guyana’s profits taxes that are required under the 2016 Stabroek Contract should count as tax revenues. Here are the relevant points from the contract: ●             Tax is required to be calculated for the contractor, Article 15.2. ●             Tax is required to be paid by the Minister of Natural Resources on behalf of the…

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