News Editor

All parties and private sector organizations should focus on renegotiation or rescinding of the 2% oil royalty

With both major parties wedded to the belief that they must be good ambassadors for Exxon’s Esso, the race to genuflect lower before Exxon, has already cost Guyana billions of dollars. Exxon’s Esso controls over eleven million acres in and around the prized Stabroek Block, including 6.6 million acres of the Stabroek Block. Guyana’s super…

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Gov’t official proposed sole-sourcing Glencore to sell Guyana’s oil – Mangal

Dr Jan Mangal, former petroleum adviser to President David Granger yesterday disclosed on his Facebook page that someone in government had proposed sole-sourcing the sale of Guyana’s oil to mining and commodities giant, Glencore. Mangal’s statement follows his declaration that in the coming weeks he will outline a number of things including the “mechanism used…

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