The inequitable results that are currently observed in Guyana’s oil business is a function of the cost methodology imposed in the PSA

With your permission, permit me to explain how total revenue, total cost, and profits are identified in the Guyana oil business, and in particular Liza One. In this regard, knowing the selling price (P) and the average total cost (ATC) of a barrel of oil signals the first decision point of any investment. The average…

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Without ring-fencing, improved monitoring, and timely auditing; the Profit Squeeze will continue until the oil is exhausted

In a recent presentation by Mr. Glenn Lall, he asked the following question: What is the average cost of a barrel of oil?   In reply, I will present some information on the cost of a barrel of oil, based on the combined 2023 Financial Statements of the consortium: EMGL, Hess and CNOOC. Additionally, a comparison…

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When the Cost of a Barrel of Oil is US$40.00 or less, Guyana Oil Revenue Must Increase

Thanks are extended to Mr. Phillip Rietema, Vice President and Business Services Manager of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), who made two important statements about the performance of the Oil company in Guyana. In the first statement published in Kaieteur News (, it is reported that Mr. Rietema said that oil prices, ‘…went (down) from US$100…

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