
Gov’t cannot be making excuses about deferring oil returns to some future date

Equity ownership in a business implies that an investor becomes a shareholder; and therefore, has access to complete information; has decision-making authority that is based on the relative size of the funds invested; and receives a share of the total profits, calculated on the shareholder’s ownership of the total invested funds.   In the case of…

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Chevron and transparency

Chevron and transparency

On October 23, 2023, Chevron announced that it had purchased Hess shares in the ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) for US$53.0 Billion. Recalling that Hess owned 30 percent of the company, this ownership implied that the total equity in the company is now estimated to be US$176.7B, with the remainder distributed as US$79.5B for ExxonMobil, and…

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Audit results and its impact

The work done by the consortium of auditing firms, Ramdihal& Haynes Inc., Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting and Consultancy Inc., with backing from Martindale Consultants, have identified the unauthorized expenditures that have inflated the costs of the EMGL financial statements. In particular, the auditors point out the unlawful disbursement of funds from the Liza 1…

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With no ring-fencing Guyanese are denied their rightful share of the oil revenues

With no ring-fencing Guyanese are denied their rightful share of the oil revenues

President Irfaan Ali ring-fencing is an important concern that has engaged the attention of the Guyanese people; but Guyanese policymakers do not want to take any action to establish ring-fencing in each of the oil projects that are currently extracting and exporting oil from Guyana.  When there is no ring-fencing, the people of Guyana are…

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EEPGL a ploy to plunder oil

EEPGL a ploy to plunder oil

Utilizing data reported by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of Guyana (BoG) and Kaieteur News (KN), I will show that EEPGL has already recouped their investment; that they are earning significant profits; and that Guyana’s share will remain at meager levels for our non-renewal resource, unless the PSA is renegotiated. According to the…

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