Elizabeth Deane-Hughes

What is EPA’s evacuation plan and/or advice when citizens suffer from hazardous effects of chemicals of unknown origins?
My empathy is with the residents of Crane who are currently suffering from the effects of ‘some form of hydroxide’ the source/origin of which is unknown. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released that the chemical is ‘some form of hydroxide’. It is hoped that they along with all others engaged will do a thorough…

Will GtE project’s commercial and other documents be released into the public domain
The Gas-to-Energy (GtE) project’s commercial arrangements have been finalized. The Hansards record the government’s undertaking for these documents to be laid in the National Assembly. When will the Office of the Prime Minister release into the public domain the following information as recorded in the Hansards and/or requested directly: When will the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment release…