The Shell Company

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 109 – October 13, 2023 Introduction It has been several months since column 108. Yet, when I told a friend that I intended to publish approximately eight columns over the next few weeks, his immediate reaction was the question: what will you say…

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Exxon obligated to do study showing impacts of oil spill to coasts – Former EPA Head

Exxon obligated to do study showing impacts of oil spill to coasts – Former EPA Head  

Kaieteur News – Former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr. Vincent Adams believes that the consultant hired by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for its sixth project, must inform the nation of the likely devastation to these shores from an oil spill. Dr. Adams, a Petroleum and Environmental…

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Is the oil sector contributing to national development proportionate to its size

Is the oil sector contributing to national development proportionate to its size?

Articles by Dr. Tarron Khemraj appearing on his business page in SN 2023/09/24 and SN 2023/09/10 require some comments, since the use of ‘Balances from Abroad’ imply that Commercial Banks have readily available sources of foreign exchange that are liquid balances and can be deployed to make good any foreign exchange ‘shortage’ affecting the Private…

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Exxon has engaged in dodgy accounting going all the way back to Shell transaction

Exxon has engaged in dodgy accounting going all the way back to Shell transaction

Maya Angelou, American literary giant and civil rights activist once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time”. Unfortunately, when Esso showed us who they were from the first decade of this century, we not only did not believe them, but successive governments spinelessly conspired with them to deprive current…

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