Appealing the ruling of Judge Kissoon is tantamount to surrendering to ExxonMobil
Former EPA chief Dr. Vincent Adams has said many times that Full Liability Coverage (FLC) as enshrined in the permits, equals insurance plus a parent company guarantee to cover “any” costs above insurance. In mathematical parlance: Full Liability Coverage = Insurance + Parent Company Guarantee for all remaining costs. Parent Company Guarantee is simply a…
Major Court ruling in matter of Full Liability Coverage
Major Court ruling in matter of Full Liability Coverage Please see the doc here: https://www.oggn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Decision-in-EPA-MAtter.pdf
Gov’t must publish international certifications that allow oil companies to operate over safety limits
We have been assured many times by the petroleum companies here that they are operating according to international standards. These standards require inspectors to certify compliance with the standards. The Liza Destiny and Liza Unity have for some time now been operating over their safe design operating limits of 120 000 and 220 000 barrels…
Guyana needs to join the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
The OECD/G20 Inclusive Frame-work on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) is implementing a landmark reform to the international tax system, which will ensure multinational enterprises will be subject to a 15% effective minimum tax rate. The details can be found via this link https://www.oecd.org/tax/beps/. Domestic tax avoidance by BEPS due to multinational enterprises exploiting gaps…
Solar power for households remains viable option, my energy bill is now lower
I see Vice-President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has thrown out a challenge for a company to produce solar power for the grid at 5 US cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). He will win. He is correct that large-scale batteries are not available to Guyana. Only countries like India and China who have the technology, raw materials,…
Legal consent to cede Amerindian village resources can only be given by individual villages
I write to comment on one issue in your well-argued Editorial titled ‘Hess’ carbon offset deal’ which begins: ‘You have to give it to Bharrat Jagdeo. He has been trying to “sell” Guyana’s rainforest since the early 2000s going around the world saying if you don’t buy our trees they may have to be chopped…
It would appear Mr. Jagdeo clearly understands the need for full liability coverage
VP Jagdeo himself, admitted on the Glenn Lall show that “yes, full liability coverage is in all of the permits”; and in his August 19, 2022 press conference, exclaims “it is by law and by the permit they have to do this. Full coverage: that is an obligation…that’s what the oil companies understand is that…
Slashing parent company guarantee from Full Coverage is a sellout to Exxon
All Guyanese, our Caribbean neighbours, and Venezuela, must now be worried sick by the Honourable VP Jagdeo’s announcing that slashing the parent company guarantee from full coverage, down to a piddling $2 Billion USD, “remains a priority”. This in-your-face sellout and betrayal of our people, not only throws out the existing legal full liability coverage…
We condemn this verbal attack on Tamica Garnett
The Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN) condemns yet another attack on female journalists, this time a verbal attack on Tamica Garnett of the Guyana Chronicle on 19 April 2023 from PNC Chief Scrutineer Carol Joseph, after Tamica Garnett requested information from the party on the local government election (LGE).
We ask our women parliamentarians to stand with female journalists
Women make up 37 per cent of our Parliamentarians and represent all political party positions, beliefs and values of our Guyanese society. As Parliamentarians, they serve as potential role models for all Guyanese women and girls. Additionally, being women, they are also sensitive to the dangers of unchecked misogyny, made visible in the high per…