
The world has not stopped using sugar even as GuySuCo is yet to map out its own success strategy
Dear Editor, Mechanization is not a strategy as mentioned in article, SN 2025-01-08. GuySuCo can pursue one of three generic strategies: low cost per ton of sugar, focusing on a market segment, or creating differentiated products to sell. The corporation should be consistent with Guyana’s avowed agricultural policy of diversification and pursue a differentiated product…

The PSA2016 agreement should be renegotiated to uphold Guyana’s Constitutional Laws
The letter in SN 25-01-06 by Sanjeev Datadin may not be in line with universally accepted legal principles. It appears that an ordinary business contract can over-ride Guyana’s Constitutional Laws governing taxation. Further, can one party create a law to break another law? These are principles in the Law of Contract, in Cheshire and Fyfoot,…

From ‘No Guyanese Could Agree’ to ‘No Interest’: President Ali’s Impossible Retraction
Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Column 151 – January 4, 2025 As the first column for the new year, we wish all Guyanese and especially readers of this column a successful, healthy and productive 2025. Introduction “No Guyanese could agree with this.” These were the unequivocal words of then-presidential…

GuySuCo must reduce its cost of production to competitive world market price levels to turn its loss making activity into a profitable venture
I refer to an SN article (December 23, 2024) captioned ‘President talks tough again on GuySuCo amid poor results, ongoing subventions’ (https://www.stabroeknews.com/2024/12/23/news/guyana/president-talks-tough-again-on-GuySuCo-amid-poor-results-ongoing-subventions/). In that article, President Ali is quoted as saying “…if …the target for 2025; the first crop target, and the second crop target, if the target is not achieved, then heads will roll.” May…

I join with others in calling for the revising of the 2016 PSA
I join with others in calling for revising of the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement, PSA 2016. Withdrawal rules are less important than invoking the special clause under Article 24, ‘Force Majeure’, dealing with the additional actual and potential activities that are placing Guyanese to bear indirect costs arising from activities of adding an oil industry…

Cricket Umpire now writing EPA Press Statements on Exxon’s Parent Company Guarantee
There has been a recent flurry of exchanges between the EPA weaving its tangled web of lies concerning Exxon’s Parent Company Guarantee and responses telling the truth coming from knowledgeable, credible, and patriotic sources such as yours truly and eminent Attorney Christopher Ram, notwithstanding the Honorable Judge Sandil Kissoon’s uncompromising admonishment of EPA, describing the…

Epilogue: Lesson Learnt from Churchill, Leadership Lost, Legacy Betrayed
“African states must unite (for the continent) or sell themselves out to imperialist and colonialist exploiters for a mess of pottage…”: Kwame Nkrumah. Or as our own Cheddi Jagan told the National Assembly in 1983 in a speech following the invasion of Grenada: “Right now Washington is …hoping to get these puppets one by one…

Canadian Sanctity of Contract case offers hope for Guyana: Part 4
Introduction Having established in the previous parts the considerable assistance that Guyana can draw from the Churchill Falls case in pursuing renegotiation of the 2016 Agreement, this part examines the specific mechanisms available under the 2016 Agreement that allow Guyana to achieve that end. Additionally, I argue that ExxonMobil’s recent categorical refusal to consider any…

Canadian Sanctity of Contract case offers hope for Guyana: Part 3
Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Column 148 – December 24, 2024 Introduction The two previous parts set out the parallels between the Canadian Churchill Falls case and Guyana’s 2016 PSA. Both deal with agreements governing natural resources and involve the legal principle of sanctity of contract, which is common…

Hammerhead EIA set to ignore serious harm to the Guyanese people: LEGAL CASE FILED AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY
WINTRESS MORRIS AND JOY MARCUS LEGAL CASE FILED AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Hammerhead EIA set to ignore serious harm to the Guyanese people We, Wintress Morris and Joy Marcus have gone to court against the Environmental Protection Agency to protect Guyana and the Guyanese people from the impacts of the proposed Hammerhead petroleum project. The…