BOOT illusions and Amaila
The build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) financial arrangement has been used around the world to fund important infrastructure in partnership between government and private investors. In this financing model, the private investor upfronts the initial investment cost and expects to be repaid over some time period. The investor has an expected rate of return before underwriting the project….
Exxon’s former Country Manager hand-delivered documentation on the US$2.5b insurance
It’s insulting that Exxon once again seems to believe that Guyanese people are stupid, attempting to bamboozle us with fanciful talk to camouflage the truth; but judging by their modus operandi and reputation around the world, I leave it to the Guyanese people to decide who is believable. First, with respect to the US$2.5 Billion…
Exxon had agreed in writing to full liability coverage but PPP/C halted finalisation
I have followed with deep interest, the recent warranted upsurge in public outcry from experts and affected populations of all walks of life in Guyana, the Region, and other international communities calling for full insurance coverage in the event of an oil spill. However, there appears to be some confusion, misinformation, and missing facts in…
Rough Estimate of Gas in Guyana-Suriname Basin
US Geological Survey – ‘Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in Central and South America’ USGS Fact Sheet FS-037-01, March 2001 Guyana-Suriname Basin – total undiscovered resources with ‘fully risked estimates’ – Gas – trillion cubic feet – 7.035 at 95% confidence level, 36.802 at 50% confidence level, 95.909 at 5% confidence level, arithmetic…
Appeal against the Non-Destructive Testers Limited (Guyana) Inc. Environmental Impacts Screening Report
Appeal against the Non-Destructive Testers Limited (Guyana) Inc. Environmental Impacts Screening Report – – Storage of Sealed Radioactive Sources,to be located at Lots 1 and 2, Thuiste Te Coverden, East Bank Demerara Guyana By Penelope Howell https://www.oggn.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/epa-penelope-howell-20220222.pdf
This Enmore deal needs explaining, related documents should be made public
Last week (Feb 17, 2022), SN reported `Guysons in US$60m joint venture for oilfield manufacturing – Enmore sugar packaging plant to be transformed as part of deal’. There was also a report in KN. This is a big surprise. The nation needs to know all the terms and conditions of this deal. We demand full…
Guyana’s leaders failed to send message to Exxon boss about this reprehensible deal
As the Energy Conference opened up yesterday, Guyana failed to send a public message to Exxon’s boss who is in attendance. With the worst oil contract in the history of the world that gives Guyana 14.5% of all gross revenues while Exxon gets 85.5% to cover expenses and profits, the Guyana leaders were silent, although…
Please join any movement calling for renegotiation of all natural resources contract
The recent interview by Vice News, a controversial foreign news media that has some credibility issues, asking our VP if he took bribes and forcing the VP to say, “I never took a bribe” is reminiscent of the US President Nixon saying “I am not a crook,” when he was questioned about his involvement in…
Focus on Guyanese interests, not foreigners’ shareholder goals at the Guyana Energy Conference
OGGN’s mission is to educate and bring pressure to bear on Guyana’s policy makers to make sure the oil curse doesn’t happen in Guyana. You can learn more about OGGN at www.oggn.org/about, and you can also learn about the many issues with respect to our oil in the recently launched OGGN Magazine at https://www.oggn.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/OGGN-2022-Winter-Magazine.pdf. This week the…
The withdrawals from the NRF, the new Demerara bridge and more
Today’s column will simulate two scenarios of expected money inflows into and outflows from the Natural Resource Fund. All simulations are based on the NRF Act of 2021. The Act allows for higher early withdrawals from the Fund. Several justifications for high initial withdrawals were outlined by government officials. First, the dire shortage of the…