Elizabeth Deane-Hughes encountered several problems related to Guyana’s Gas to Energy project

In the interview aired here, https://www.oggn.org/2023/11/02/oil-talk-with-oggn-guyana-episode-7-the-gas-to-energy-project-and-its-legal-challenges/ , the lawyer Elizabeth Deane-Hughes identified several problems related to Guyana’s Gas to Energy project: 1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Failures: She criticized the EPA for not ensuring that the Environmental Protection Act was followed, highlighting a court case that found the agency acted contrary to law in the…

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14 Questions: Radioactive material and other hazards from oil production

Here are 14 questions and answers generated from the summary text: Answer: The main topics discussed were radioactive material and other hazards from oil production. The speakers focused on issues around a radioactive calibration facility operated by Schlumberger (Slumber J) in Houston, Guyana and the lack of proper environmental impact assessments and monitoring. Answer: The…

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