Cabinet’s hydro project ‘no objection’ may be ill-advised

A reader might be misled by the Government’s current enthusiasm to start construction of this small dam (by global standards) in the remote Kuribrong River; SN 01 November ‘Cabinet gives China Railway ‘no objection’ for Amaila hydro project’.  The Cabinet appears to have been persuaded by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that the Norwegian advisers, Norconsult,…

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Guyana as dumpsite for petroleum wastes

Guyana is often mentioned for less than stellar reasons. There’s Jonestown (‘(s)he drank the Kool Aid’), rigged elections, the poorest country after Haiti in CARICOM and Latin America, the costliest failed infrastructural project in CARICOM (US$250M Skeldon sugar factory), and failed or captured regulatory agencies. Standouts among the latter was the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)…

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Opportunity for Guyanese Diaspora to make their views known as Guyana undergoes first Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) validation which commenced on October 1

According to a notice on the Guyana EITI (GYEITI) website (, Guyana is undergoing its first validation visit which started on October 1. The EITI based in Norway will give Guyana scores on 3 indicators: stakeholder engagement, transparency, and outcomes and impact, using the scale – not met, partly met, mostly met, fully met, and exceeded. This…

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Government’s refusal to release oil and gas data is disrespectful to the people of Guyana

I noticed in today’s paper three full-page ads in newspapers, celebrating Caribbean Statistics Day under the theme, “Leave No One Behind…Everyone Counts.” There were messages by “Senior Minister of Finance” (no longer Minister within the Presidency?), the Chairman of the Bureau of Statistics Board, and the CARICOM Secretary General. The Senior Minister said, “Government recognizes…

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