
Change in US administration has potential to improve Guyana’s negotiating strength versus oil companies

This letter includes my commentary to The Dialogue (https://www.thedialogue.org/energy-advisor/) on the current state of Guyana’s oil industry (published on 27-Nov-2020). The questions concerned oil production, impact of low oil prices, future oil development, and how the new PPP government is managing the industry. My response: “Only Liza 1 has reached production, yet ExxonMobil’s operations made…

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ExxonMobil’s behaviour in Guyana is an attempt at colonisation – Int’l Lawyer, Melinda Janki

International Lawyer, Melinda Janki believes that ExxonMobil’s relationship with Guyana amounts to an attempt at colonisationSpeaking to anti-colonialist Kingston University Professor, Andy Higginbottom, during an online forum, Janki said last month that “the main point of colonization is to take a country’s resources and to pay little or nothing. The colonizing entity co-opts the political…

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PPP, PNC, AFC united in the sellout of Guyana’s oil resources – Nigel Hinds

The three major political parties – People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), and Alliance for Change (AFC) – are united in the sellout of Guyana’s oil and gas resources to oil giants and their beneficiaries.Many of their leaders are complicit and/or compromised. So says anti-corruption advocate, Nigel Hinds.In an exclusive Op-Ed…

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Exxon’s continuous flaring a breach of contract – Int’l Lawyer

International lawyer, Melinda Janki, believes that ExxonMobil’s flaring of associated gas at the Stabroek block’s Liza Phase One operation, appears to amount to a breach of contract. Associated Gas is gas which is produced from an oil field, as opposed to Non-Associated Gas, which comes from gas fields. Article 12.1 of the Stabroek Block production…

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Ruling on Liza permit shows Exxon, EPA not above the law – int’l lawyer, Melinda Janki

Kaieteur News – International lawyer, Melinda Janki, told Kaieteur News that the ruling of the High Court, bringing Exxon’s Liza-1 environmental permit into conformity with the law, is very important because it shows that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and ExxonMobil are subject to Guyana’s laws.“That’s a win for the people of Guyana. This was…

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