Chris Ram's Articles

Examining the Financial Landscape: Unveiling the Balance Sheets of Guyana’s Oil Contractors

This Article was Published on July 2, 2021 This final column of this mini-series examining the financial statements of the three Contractors under the 2016 Petroleum Agreement, reviews their balance sheets, sometimes referred to as statement of affairs, as at December 31, 2020. The Table below is designed in a similar fashion as the summary…

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Chris Ram's Articles

Unraveling Ambiguities: Assessing Transparency and Fiscal Clarity in Guyana’s Oil Sector Financial Statements

Oil and Gas Column # 91 – June 25, 2021 Every man, woman and child must become oil minded Introduction Each of the past three columns (#’s 88 – 90) reviewed the financial statements of one of the three oil companies which signed the 2016 Petroleum Agreement with the Coalition Government of President Granger. Today’s…

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Chris Ram's Articles

Call for a Commission of Inquiry into Guyana’s Petroleum Sector: An Urgent Necessity

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded (Part 60) Introduction Following last week’s call for a Commission of Inquiry into the Petroleum Sector, more than a handful of individuals approached me enquiring whether the call was serious and what would be the expected outcome. After the spate of Presidential Commissions of Inquiry…

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