Court Ruling

Gov’t should use authority of mining law and Article 36 of  Constitution to immediately remove the illegal Chinese Landing miners

Your editorial ‘IACHR resolution’ on 30 July 2023 summarises the resolution about the dreadful long-running case of illegal mining at Chinese Landing. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights had previously addressed the complaint about similar problems at Isseneru.  The two documents are well worth reading for the careful histories of events, and summaries of the very dubious…

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Chris Ram's Articles

Is expenditure on Esso’s Ogle Office recoverable contract cost?

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 104 – March 10, 2023 Introduction Following a question raised in the National Assembly by Opposition MP Mr. Ganesh Mahipaul, ExxonMobil’s Country Manager Alistair Routledge, emboldened by his increasingly comfortable relationship with the PPP/C, reacted to Mahipaul by declaring that the approximately US$160…

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