ExxonMobil and other carpetbaggers will leave behind a degraded Atlantic Ocean and diminished marine life

ExxonMobil and other carpetbaggers will leave behind a degraded Atlantic Ocean and diminished marine life

The sheer organisational magnitude and efficiency of ExxonMobil as an industrial power was shown in the MARAD Notices to Mariners numbers 106 and 107 (2023) dated 12 June but only published on July 13 in your paper.  These Notices cover the near-shore laying of the pipe for the Gas-to-Energy project; previous MARAD Notices covered the…

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urge ExxonMobil shareholders to vote in favour of resolution

We urge ExxonMobil shareholders to vote in favour of resolution #14 on environment-related litigation

Dear Editor, In a shareholder document released on April 13th, 2023 ExxonMobil makes this claim, “ExxonMobil’s affiliate [EEPGL] works cooperatively with the Guyana Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure environmental permitting relating to exploration, development, and production activity fully complies with Guyana law.” It states, “…activist litigation to halt oil and gas production has failed…

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