Natural Resource Fund overstated by $274,765 Mn., should be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 118 – December 29, 2023 Among the several challenges facing the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) – also known internationally as a Sovereign Wealth Fund – identified in column 117 published on 22 December, was one which I described simply as “accounting”. Readers will…

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Exxon has engaged in dodgy accounting going all the way back to Shell transaction

Truth eliminates ignorance

Dear Editor, The protection of the public from untruths, half-truths, misrepresentations, and distortions dictates that I make an exception to my unwillingness to engage in any place or in any capacity. As shown in the examples set out in this letter, multiple-part responses in the print and social media to repeated assertions about financial shenanigans…

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The Shell Company

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 109 – October 13, 2023 Introduction It has been several months since column 108. Yet, when I told a friend that I intended to publish approximately eight columns over the next few weeks, his immediate reaction was the question: what will you say…

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Chris Ram's Articles

Examining the Financial Landscape: Unveiling the Balance Sheets of Guyana’s Oil Contractors

This Article was Published on July 2, 2021 This final column of this mini-series examining the financial statements of the three Contractors under the 2016 Petroleum Agreement, reviews their balance sheets, sometimes referred to as statement of affairs, as at December 31, 2020. The Table below is designed in a similar fashion as the summary…

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Chris Ram's Articles

Unraveling Ambiguities: Assessing Transparency and Fiscal Clarity in Guyana’s Oil Sector Financial Statements

Oil and Gas Column # 91 – June 25, 2021 Every man, woman and child must become oil minded Introduction Each of the past three columns (#’s 88 – 90) reviewed the financial statements of one of the three oil companies which signed the 2016 Petroleum Agreement with the Coalition Government of President Granger. Today’s…

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