The position that Government of Guyana is acting illegally by selling carbon credits of titled Amerindian villages remains uncontested

The position that Government of Guyana is acting illegally by selling carbon credits of titled Amerindian villages remains uncontested

Reference is made to Joel Bhagwandin’s letter in Stabroek News (July 10, 2023) entitled `Bulkan’s position, supported by Brandli, that the sale of carbon credit is fraudulent is preposterous’. The letter requires a swift response given that several falsehoods are expressed by the author. Claim 1: “The infamous Oil and Gas Governance Network (OGGN) is…

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A consultation by govt staff in an Amerindian Village is not the same as a vote at a Village Meeting

A consultation by govt staff in an Amerindian Village is not the same as a vote at a Village Meeting

I refer to a press release from the Department of Public Information dated 06 July on the illegal sale of carbon credits from forests on titled Amerindian Village Lands. The press statement mainly includes legally incorrect and misleading statements by the Vice-President, and which are damaging to Amerindians.   Does Vice-President Bharrat Jagdeo understand that a…

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The sale of forest-based carbon credits by the government of Guyana was fraudulent

The sale of forest-based carbon credits by the government of Guyana was fraudulent

Dear Editor I support the statements of the Upper Mazaruni District Council (UMDC) which you reported on 28 June (‘Upper Mazaruni council restates that carbon trading consultations defective’).  Any Amerindian Village Council can agree to dispose of natural resources of the titled Amerindian Village Lands only through compliance with sections 13, 14, 34 and 44…

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distribution between EEPGL and Guyana

This distribution between EEPGL and Guyana is palpably inequitable and it must be changed now

    Dear Editor, Reference is made to your article captioned ‘Exxon’s subsidiary registered $577b profit in 2022’ (SN 6/18/23) and I would like to make a few observations. First, the published data in this and another article ( 2023/03/09/the-average-cost-per-barrel-of-oil-produced-by-exxon-is-questionable-unacceptable/). show that EEPGL has been able to extract a total of 168.8 million barrels of oil during…

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Compensatory Claims to Bankrupt Guyana

Compensatory claims by our Caribbean island friends for oiled beaches would bankrupt Guyana

Our angelic lawyers and appellate judges are debating in medieval terms whether ‘assurance’ or ‘insurance’ or ‘full liability coverage’ or ‘complete indemnity’ can all sit on the head of a pin.  Meanwhile, let us consider why we need such security instruments.  Since the PEMEX oil spill at the Ixtoc-I well in the Gulf of Campeche…

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