If GRA issued tax receipts to oil companies it must show it received the monies stated on those receipts

If GRA issued tax receipts to oil companies it must show it received the monies stated on those receipts

Thanks to Dhanraj for taking the time and effort to indulge in this debate. More Guyanese should get involved. (Ref – Dhanraj Deonarine’s letter, “Is the NRF really overstated?”, SN Jan. 13th). Here is the larger question on the subject: How can Oil Companies prepare their tax returns, submit them to GoG – and say…

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Zero tax on ExxonMobil is monumental financial loss for Guyana and its people

Zero tax on ExxonMobil is monumental financial loss for Guyana and its people

Parliament’s decision to create—what amounts to—a zero tax clause in the petroleum production agreement keeps power and wealth in the hands of its foreign counterparties and contributes to Guyana’s economic inequality. Additionally, it stagnates the potential for sustainable economic growth here in the local land. While the Stabroek Block Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) should be…

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The Shell Company

Every Man, Woman and Child in Guyana Must Become Oil-Minded – Part 109 – October 13, 2023 Introduction It has been several months since column 108. Yet, when I told a friend that I intended to publish approximately eight columns over the next few weeks, his immediate reaction was the question: what will you say…

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International Certifications for Oil Companies

Gov’t must publish international certifications that allow oil companies to operate over safety limits

We have been assured many times by the petroleum companies here that they are operating according to international standards. These standards require inspectors to certify compliance with the standards. The Liza Destiny and Liza Unity have for some time now been operating over their safe design operating limits of 120 000 and 220 000 barrels…

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