No other current issue of greater import I can think of other than Jagdeo’s attack on the country’s judiciary and the troubling silence emanating since

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has made a searing attack on a ruling by a High Court judge in the Teachers’ strike case in which the underlying issue is free collective bargaining. Despite not having read the judgment, Mr. Jagdeo yet felt comfortable using words like ‘appalling’ and ‘presumptuous’. However couched, this has to be seen…

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Renegotiate contract

The Case for Renegotiation

Introduction This is the case for renegotiation of the Petroleum Agreements between the Government of Guyana and ExxonMobil (“Guyana-Exxon agreements”). In my article dated 8 December 2017[1], I wrote extensively on the nature and types of stability clauses and their pros and cons. Most notably, what the Model Petroleum Contract describes as a Stability Clause…

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